Potentials and challenges of biofertilizers in sustainable agriculture

Document Type : review articles


1 Professor of Soil and Water Research Institute

2 Postdoctoral Researcher, Soil and Water Research Institute (SWRI), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran.



Background and Objectives: The rapid growth of the global population has intensified the demand for food production, which has consequently led to a significant increase in the use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture. While these fertilizers have been effective in boosting crop yields, their widespread and prolonged use has raised serious concerns due to their adverse effects on human health, soil quality, water resources, and overall environmental sustainability. These concerns include soil degradation, contamination of water bodies through runoff, and the disruption of natural ecosystems. In response, there has been a shift towards more sustainable agricultural practices that aim to minimize these negative impacts while maintaining or even enhancing agricultural productivity. Biofertilizers have emerged as a promising alternative in this context. Unlike chemical fertilizers, biofertilizers are composed of living microorganisms, primarily beneficial rhizospheric bacteria that can naturally enhance the availability of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and zinc to plants. Moreover, these microorganisms produce a range of bioactive compounds including growth-promoting hormones, siderophores, and antibiotics, which can stimulate plant growth, enhance resistance to pathogens, and improve soil health. The objective of this article is to provide a comprehensive review of the various components of biofertilizers, discussing their potential benefits, the challenges associated with their use, and their future prospects in the context of sustainable agriculture.

Materials and Methods: This study explores the different components of biofertilizers, focusing on their composition, properties, and applications. The types of biofertolizers reviewed include powders, granules, liquids, polymer-encapsulated forms, dried fluid beds, and gels. Each of these biofertolizers offers unique advantages and faces specific challenges that can impact the effectiveness of them. For instance, powder and granular biofertolizers are popular due to their ease of handling, transportation, and storage, but they may suffer from reduced microbial viability over time. Liquid biofertolizers, while offering a more immediate and homogenous distribution of nutrients, are more susceptible to contamination and require more stringent storage conditions. The article also discusses the critical aspects of biofertilizer production, including the selection of appropriate microbial strains based on their functionality and compatibility with target crops and soil types. The choice of carrier materials (organic, inorganic, liquid, or synthetic) plays a significant role in maintaining the viability and activity of the microorganisms. Additionally, the article examines the use of additives such as adhesives, stabilizers, and protective agents that can enhance the biofertolizer's performance. The production process involves several essential steps: the preparation and sterilization of carriers to eliminate contaminants, the inoculation and growth of microbial strains under controlled conditions, and the packaging of the final product to ensure shelf-life and ease of application.

Results: The findings from this review indicate that the choice of biofertilizer components greatly influences its effectiveness in the field. Powder and granular biofertilizers are found to be suitable for large-scale applications due to their stability and ease of use; however, they often face biofertilizers related to the survival rate of the beneficial microorganisms during storage and application. Liquid biofertilizers, on the other hand, provide a rapid supply of nutrients and are easier to apply in irrigation systems, but their efficacy can be compromised by contamination risks and the need for cold storage. More advanced biofertilizers, such as polymer-encapsulated, dried fluid bed, and gel forms, show promising results in protecting microorganisms from environmental stresses such as desiccation, and temperature fluctuations. These formulations can provide controlled release of nutrients and ensure longer shelf life. However, their production is often more complex and costly, requiring advanced technology and materials. The research highlights that an integrated approach combining multiple components or optimizing specific formulations based on local conditions and crop requirements could enhance the effectiveness and adoption of biofertilizers in sustainable agriculture.

Conclusion: The development and optimization of biofertilizer components are crucial for their success in sustainable agriculture. High-quality biofertilizers that ensure the survival and activity of beneficial microorganisms can significantly reduce the dependency on chemical fertilizers, thereby minimizing their negative environmental and health impacts. The growing interest in sustainable agricultural practices, coupled with increasing public awareness of the benefits of biofertilizers, suggests a promising future for these products. Further research and innovation are needed to address the challenges associated with their production, formulation, and application to ensure maximum efficacy and build trust among farmers. Technological advancements, such as improved encapsulation techniques and the use of novel carrier materials, are expected to enhance the performance of biofertilizers, making them a key component of future agricultural systems aimed at protecting soil and environmental health.
